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1056 results:
Operating transformer stations safely Pages  
An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is used to ensure the supply of critical electrical loads in the event of problems in the power supply. The UPS systems (normally battery or oscillating weight…  
Operating power stations safely Pages  
The VMD258 analog voltage relay monitors three phase AC systems for under and over voltages (window function) It’s internals are based on analog technology and omit the use of a microprocessor,…  
Electrical safety in hospitals Pages  
In medical locations, all efforts are focussed on the patients and their recovery. Even a brief power failure can jeopardise successful diagnostics and treatment and therefore the health of the…  
Periodic verification without shutting down Pages  
Even with state-of-the-art electrical engineering equipment, time can take its toll. Whether it is a decline in operational reliability, changes in statutory regulations or increasing energy costs:…  
Portable safety test system for electrical equipment Pages  
Manufacturers of medical equipment and service providers are, according to the standards, obliged to save the “first measured value” in production. This serves as the reference value for later…  
Switching main distribution boards in hospitals reliably Pages  
Buildings engineering incorporates solutions for supply, monitoring and control of all modern buildings. These modern buildings include, among others, hospitals with systems which need to be…  
Displaying, signalling and operating in hospitals Pages  
Hospitals are centrally controlled and monitored. Data and alarms recorded locally should be forwarded to the central control room with no delay. Access to the Bender monitoring devices is simple…  
Intensive care units and operating theatres electrically safe Pages  
In modern hospitals, alarm and warning messages in the electrical system are quickly and automatically signalled by Bender insulation fault location systems. This saves time and money and protects…  
Regenerative energies with high operational safety Pages  
Renewable energy will play an important role in the energy mix of the future. Bender solutions provide perfect electrical safety in these areas, e.g. photovoltaics or wind power. Early recognition…  
Operating cogeneration units with high availability Pages  
A combined heat and power unit (CHP) is a modular system for the extraction of electrical energy and heat. This is operated at the point of heat consumption. It is based on the principle of…  
Search results 181 until 190 of 1056