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1051 results:
Monika Schuster at her retirement in December 2023
Monika Schuster has retired at the end of 2023 News  
Former Bender CFO was part of the management team since 2020. She made a significant contribution to the development of the company.  
Partnership for innovation and electromobility News  
For the development of an open source software that will enable a unified EV charging ecosystem, software service provider PIONIX is now relying on Bender's expertise in the field of electrical…  
Dr. Sven Hartung, neuer CFO von Bender
Change in Bender's management News  
Since October 1st, 2023, Dr. Sven Hartung is the new Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Bender.  
Bender Inc. and Latin America CEO Steve Mason
New Bender Vice President for Americas Region News  
Steve Mason, Chief Executive Officer of Bender Inc. is now the Vice President for North and South America.  
Girls on a computer at Girls4MINT
Girls power at Girls4MINT News  
16 girls took part in the career orientation programme Girls4MINT at Bender. Technical professions are also attractive for girls.  
Stefan Franke (Landkreis Marburg-Biedenkopf), Landrätin Anita Schneider (Gießen), Oliver Eich (Landesenergieagentur Hessen), Dr. Ing. Manfred Felske-Zech (Landkreis Gießen), Roman Schmattloch (Bender GmbH & Co. KG) (from left)
Hydrogen players from Central Hesse meet in Grünberg News  
85 representatives from industry, associations and politics discussed current issues for hydrogen projects in Central Hesse. Host was the Bender company.  
Winfried Möll
Goodbye after 13 highly successful years News  
On June 1st, 2023, Chief Technology Officer Winfried Möll left Bender.  
CCV and Bender working on open payment at EV-charging stations across Europe News  
CCV and Bender Group working together on ensuring open payment at EV-charging stations across Europe. Significant development to improve the EV-charging experience  
Bender remote alarm indicator CP305
Bender presents the new romote alarm indicator CP305 for hospitals News  
The CP305 displays faults reliably and quickly and sets new standards for monitoring medical power systems in hospitals.  
Gruppenfoto Verleihung LANline Award 2022
Bender awarded as supplier of the year News  
Bender GmbH & Co. KG has been awarded the LANline "Provider of the year 2022“ award.

Search results 261 until 270 of 1051